Page 31 - 2015 VA Glass Design Catalogue
P. 31
Made entirely in Canada 31urbanocLearwHite acid1230-1231price $price $ $opacityopacitydesigNeriLLustrated ModeLs1- 1231.CSl.20.h2- 1231.C.20.h3- 1231.CSl.20.h4- 1231.ESl.20.P5- 1231.E.20.P6- 1231.ESl.20.PSee Page 5 or go to for other available configurations and dimensions.123456adresseClEaRWhItE aCId1110-1111PRICE $PRICE $ $oPaCItYoPaCItYdesigNerVA-Glass Design StudioiLLustrated ModeLs1- 1111.CSl.20.h2- 1111.C.20.h3- 1111.CSl.20.h4- 1111.ESl.20.P5- 1111.E.20.P6- 1111.ESl.20.PSee Page 5 or go to for other available configurations and dimensions.123456